Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Milk Project-Kazmyn Perry

My pitch for the Moo-Moo Milk Makers new adult beverage will take into account the intelligence and vitality of adults over 45 years of age. I want to use a bottle with an area for the hand to grip in order to make the bottle more accessible and less prone to falling. The grips could also be beneficial in the occasion that the drinker is on-the-go and has a lot of things to carry. The top on the bottle will be red in order to distinguish it from other brands. I feel that the red top could be used in a slogan somehow because it’s eye-catching. It seems that most of the time milk containers have the colors red, black, and white in them. The package should be white and covered with a material made from recycled materials. The new brand name should be “Vaca o No Vaca?” That’s Spanish for cow or no cow. The spin I put on the brand name is to show that your thirst can be quenched by milk, better than any other beverage. It’s full of calcium, vitamin D, and zinc.
            I don’t think there’s a need for an extensive slogan because we’re targeting trendy adults who already care about their health. These adults work out and when they finish their workout, they need something to replenish them. Vaca o No Vaca brand milk will be what replenishes them. The logo should include question marks in a diamond form with the brand name in the middle. Overall I think this new brand will attract those adults that care most about health and are willing to spend a little more to be healthy. I think a 20oz. bottle should be about $3.22. Because its organic and a little higher price will make the product seem like its worth more.