Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Milk Project - William Lamar

The name of my milk product is "Pure & Simple". The target market of people aged 45+ would associate with the simple bottle design and simple labeling. Milk is a simple product, it only has one ingredient, but the health benefits are enormous.

On the main side of the product, there are USDA organic logos and a logo from the newly adopted food pyramid. Older people can associate with organic products because those are typically associated with healthy products. There is a food pyramid to show how milk products can fit into a well-balanced diet. The next side shows the RDA allowances for the milk product and the ingredients. This side is very simple, as it shows only what is necessary without excess information. The next side shows a recyclable logo, to represent that the product container can be recycled. This associates with older people because they are concerned about the environment and being green. The final side shows exactly what the vitamins and minerals will do for your body. People may know what calcium or Vitamin D is, but they may not know how it is beneficial for your body. This side shows exactly what is in milk, and how your body uses these vitamins and minerals for your body.

"Pure & Simple" is based upon the fact that people in this age group want a healthy product, without excess additives. The target market is very conscious about their daily calorie intake, so the fact that the product is only 100 calories is proudly displayed on the front panel. Overall, the entire product is visually appeasing because it is so simple, but there is a lot of information displayed about the health benefits of the product.

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