Sunday, October 10, 2010

Silhouette Project

I found this project fairly hard to do. First off, I spent alot of money on magazines in order to search for the brands in my project. Due to the Internet, I haven't bought a magazine in years, and I found out that they are like five or six bucks a pop. So, as I was thinking of ideas on what to do with my project, I came up with the idea of doing all durable goods inside the silhouette, i.e. things that last like clothing, or apparel. I used the outside space for goods that are used for some type of consumption, either food, alcohol, or medications. Along the edge of my silhouette, I wrote in different colored Sharpie markers the things that I aspire to purchase later in life. I wrote them in permanent marker due to the fact that they are goals, and I don't want to not achieve them, so this way they cannot be erased. As you can see from the inside, I have a variety of different brands for clothing or items. This is my life in a nutshell and all of the brands listed represent a piece of something that I have purchased and used in the past month.

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