Sunday, October 10, 2010

T.J. Sansone - Silhouette Project

From my collage, I learned much about myself as a consumer. I decided to include the brands and products that I buy for fun and enjoyment within the silhouette of my head, or the figure, and the brands and products that I buy out of necessity outside of the silhouette, or the ground. This duality allowed me to reflect upon the items I buy and use out of the pursuit of pleasure versus those simply out of necessity, which I do not particularly enjoy but are required for me to remain alive and to accomplish the tasks that I am obligated to complete.

In the figure, one will see that I am quite the connoisseur of technological products, such as gaming systems, games, television, websites, and all sorts of techie gizmos. In addition, the figure contains many of my favorite clothing brands and choices of food and beverage, including alcohol and tobacco. Some of these vices are worse for me than others, particularly my use of beer, liquor, and cigarettes, but seeing them on my collage has allowed me to recognize some of these unhealthy choices I make.

Within the ground outside of the figure, one will see a wide assortment of products, from stores I frequent for groceries or household supplies to hygiene and cleaning products to brands and products that I buy, even though I may not particularly enjoy them. Some notable inclusions are Kamchatka, a cheap brand of vodka that I buy for guests but never drink myself due to (numerous) bad experiences, as well as computers and software that I use primarily to complete schoolwork or work for my jobs, as a web and graphic designer and blog writer. There are also some brands of food and beverage included that I do not really consume out of enjoyment but out of necessity, such as Starbucks, to keep me awake when I am studying, and Trix, which I usually eat for breakfast since it is quick and easy to prepare.

Overall, my collage has given me a lot to think about and I am already in the process of applying its lessons to my spending habits as a consumer. I have noticed some brands and products that are not very healthy for me, as well as others that I can do without. I am also very happy with the way my silhouette project turned out. I was worried about not using all of the space allotted, but I found that there are more brands and products in my life than I had previously realized!

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