Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Public Art Pitch Reflection

1. If I were a Butler alum I think I would fund the "Ask Blue" project. I feel like their project would be the most applicable and useful public art piece. Its ability to manage the immense amount of information we all receive concerning events and news is an extremely desirable trait. Speaking as a person involved in many different organizations on campus, I can definitely see how it could potentially increase attendance at events and allow for better organization of information. The design is quite simple and would be easy to fund and to create. These traits would be desirable if cost management were being considered.
2. I believe that the "Jungle Jim" project would be the most expensive to fund. It has many intricate parts that would need maintenance such as the outdoor treadmill and the giant jungle gym structure. The treadmill would need to be weather proofed in the winter, and maintenance would have to maintain it as well. Snow would need to be removed from the jungle gym structure to prevent accidents. Overall, my thought is that this project would do better in an environment with more predictable weather.
3. I don't think I would change our pitch. I feel that our pitch was extremely important in getting the class to understand the purpose and significance of our project. We needed to pull at the similarities and previous experiences of people who are apart of the Butler community and I feel that we did that. No matter how many pictures a person shows of their public art piece, there is still the aspect of making that art piece important to others. I feel that our pitch did that.

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