Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Public Art Pitch Reflection

If I were to pick one of the projects to be funded on campus, I would probably choose the scavenger hunt. Some people may think it wouldn’t be so much “fun” for current Butler students because it is more for kids and alums, but personally I enjoyed reading each hint and going to the next piece of art. I also thought everything incorporated represents Butler University as a whole pretty well. I thought the way it was set out all over campus was pretty neat. I would love going on this scavenger hunt on a nice sunny day just to get my mind off of schoolwork. It would also give prospective students and children something exciting to do on campus when they visit rather than just walking around and getting a tour. Butler definitely has a beautiful campus, but I remember most of my tours of different universities being the same and not very exciting. If Butler had this different edge to it, I know more students would prefer to attend this university to others.

Personally, I think the Jungle Jim would require the most funding. Not only because it is a huge project, but also because there would be many technical things involved in building it. Also, it would be harder to maintain than the rest of the projects due to its size and technology. It is definitely a very creative idea, but it would be hard and expensive to manage before and after it is built. Building this would also take much more material and workers, which would get expensive, but if it weren’t for the cost, this idea was also very good.

I think we did fairly well on the presentation, but I would change a few things. If I could revise anything about our project, I would have tried to have a table in the front of the room to put our model on so people could see it better. I think that would have helped, but we never really thought about it beforehand. I also would have practiced more as a whole group, but overall it went well and we touched on everything we wanted to. I definitely loved our idea and was excited about it, which is probably why we put more effort into it. It is easier to do more things for something you love or are passionate about. I thought the best part of our presentation was that we had a video. It set us apart from all the other presentations.

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