Friday, March 18, 2011

Alexis Marin- Silhouette Portrait

I like bright colors, I love color in general which is why I wanted my portrait to be full of it! I feel that color can influence my mood. I’m very optimistic and a happy person so I tend to gravitate towards bright, bold colors more often. For example, my room is orange. It’s bright and happy so that my mood may reflect the room I spend the most time in at home. That’s what I wanted my collage to show.
As a whole, I wanted my portrait to really take the shape of a collage. I just really enjoy collages. I feel that they can tell a story through the many shapes and colors and I love the chaos of a collage; seeing exactly how all the different colors and pictures can come together. I wanted mine to be dynamic, bold, bright, and really make a statement because I feel that reflects me as a person.
The 2 separate parts, the figure and ground, represent 2 sides of me; what I think people see and who I truly am on the inside. The ground is more of the loud, bold, and bright side of my collage. It represents my outgoing personality. I am very friendly and like to have fun. The figure is more soft and full of pastels. Aside from being outgoing and fun, I am actually really very sensitive and caring. It’s funny because I didn’t try to choose any one specific color, but it seems that I subconsciously gravitated a lot towards my favorite color pink.
As for the shapes, I chose to mix and matched between organic and geometric to show my spontaneity and versatility. I like to be organized but at the same time I like the excitement of not knowing what’s next, like my shapes! All in all, I really think my collage represents me as a person. I wanted my figure and ground to somewhat stand apart, but at the same time to mesh together to show how my exterior personality and inner personality come together to form me as a whole.

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