Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Silhouette Project- Sarah Leib

The main colors that I used to represent myself for the silhouette project were blue and purple. In the interior of my silhouette, I used these two colors to represent many characteristics. The reason the interior of my silhouette is composed of many little pieces is because it represents the many pieces that create who I am today and who I strive to become. My life is like a puzzle, yet to be complete, but each day it gets a little bit closer to being a whole. The interior is mostly covered in blue which represents my creativity and intelligence. Blue to me also represents my strength, the wisdom I’ve obtained, and the trust I hold between my friends and family. There are spurts of purple throughout the interior because it represents the mystery and nobility of my life.
The background of my silhouette represents the world around me. The background is composed of mostly black with random spurts of red. I used black to represent the evil and the dangers of the world around me. I placed little spurts of red in the background, red is mainly associated with caution, blood and war. It's me against the world.

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