Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ryan Rosebrough - Fashion/Color Reflection

1. Through discussing with my group, I learned that everybody has their own unique tastes in fashion; however, many of the same factors influence what one wears. For instance the weather is a s huge factor that helps one determine an outfit for the day. Also, the company one is going to be in plays a big role as well. I would think one would dress differently around and an employer as opposed to friends. I learned that most people have a certain dichotomy when it comes to fashion. People tend to dress similar to their peers, but at the same time it seems that they also want something that makes them stand out from "the bunch". My sense in fashion was somewhat different than the rest of my groups pertaining to the style of clothes I wear.
2. This part was really hard for me. As you can see from my pictures above, I like black. Black is definitely a color i would include in my clothing line. I think black is a very complex color and if used correctly, has the ability to compliment or stand out in any design/color scheme. The other two colors I would use would be red and blue. This is only because a majority of my clothes are actually red and blue. I obviously am attracted to these colors for some reason. It must have some sort of subliminal appeal. Straying away from color, the types of clothes I would like to include in my line would be V-necks, cardigans, flannels and things of that nature. Hopefully it would appeal to guys around my age that like dressing nice but casual at the same time. As far as names go I really had no idea, but the name I finally came up with is "Casually Formal". I feel this name fits as it describes the look I am going for. The outfit on the left would fit better in clothing line that the shirt on the right. I most likely would not sell the shirt on the right in my line.
3. If I could dress any way I wanted to without concerns of money, my work clothes would hopefully consist of casual but dressy vests with a collared shirt and tie and dress pants. Inn my opinion, I like the fact that it's a little casual but professional at the same time. I feel as though it appears to make one more approachable as well. My "play" clothes (if I understand correctly) would consist of the normal play clothes. I am a big fan of Nike so needless to say I would wear all Nike, from shoes to shorts to shirts.

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