Friday, March 4, 2011

Fashion/Color Reflection- Ali Harre

1. I was in a group with Mark and Kathryn. All three of us had very different senses of styles, but we did have a lot of the same colors in common. Kathryn said that she really liked wearing laid back clothes, but also didn't mind getting dolled up. Mark said he liked dressing nice, and presenting himself, but didn't necessarily want to stand out with bright, bold colors. The majority of us really liked neutral colors, including black, white, and grey. All of us also seemed to prefer to look put together, instead of a mismatch of clothes that made you look like you just rolled out of bed. I definitely cared a lot more about putting myself together than the other people in my group. I usually decided on what to wear the night before, and my dress for the day was usually based on what I wore the day before, or based on the activities planned for the day.

2. The line of clothing that Mr. Lauren will be making for me is called "Tailored chic." I called it this because I like to look really nice and wear a lot of tailored clothes, but like to add movement with a ruffly top, or another statement piece. I naturally tend to wear a lot of neutrals because I don't think I can pull of really bring and bold colors. The colors that I chose to be are black, navy, and neutrals such as creams or tans. People that would typically buy my line of clothing are people that like to dress business casual, or like to look nice every day. I think that it is very important to present yourself in a good way to others that you meet. The picture of the boots that I posted are the boots that I usually wear every day. They are very comfortable, a neutral tan color, and they are sleek. I can either dress them up, or I can wear them with a more laid back outfit. These boots, or a similar looking pair, would definitely be in my collection.

3. Seven years from now, I hope to be working as a product developer for a marketing department. In the work environment I like to be very conservative and wear business skirts (appropriate length), or trousers with either a playful top or a more professional button up shirt. If the business meeting or client meeting was more professional, I would consider wearing a blazer. Typically for play in the winter I usually wear boots and leggings with a dress, or skinny jeans and a top. In the summer, I love to wear sun dresses or skirts.

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