Monday, April 25, 2011

Art Show, Kaylin Beckwith

Kaylin Beckwith

Rao, Skinner

26 April 2011

Blog Post- Art Show

Art Show

I was enchanted by the Art Show. Originally, I thought that I would be able to just zip in and out of there on my way to work, but I could not stop looking at all of the pieces. I walked up and down the aisles, read the nameplates, analyzed each work, and then repeated the process several times. The showing of student works not only evoked pride in the professors of Butler, but also allowed students to display their works, and allowed underclassmen students to see what all they are capable of accomplishing in future years. That is what I especially enjoyed. I liked looking at all of the other classes and what projects they had completed, I cannot wait to learn some of the techniques they employed, learn from some of the professors that teach such things, and simply see what works I create. I liked many pieces, but I especially liked the series of photos of paint on students faces that each represented different things. I could not look away from these pieces. Each student was trying to get across a different emotion or message, and I must say that I thought they were successful. It was incredible to see how the paint, the facial expression, and the photography came together to form such works. And I loved the creativity of it as well. We put messages on our faces everyday, but it was genius to plan such things. I would pay $10 for a number of those photographs. I remember thinking that I wanted to take the one about protecting the environment home to hang in my room. Lastly, I did enjoy having my artwork displayed in the show. It was an honor to have my work displayed next to such talented artists.

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