Vintage Squeeze Milk is utterly delightful! This original milk
This Product is far from ordinary, completely organic, containing a mere 100 Calories and an unusually high vitamin content per 20 Oz serving compared to other similar beverages on the market. Over the years, Moo Moo Milk Makers has take great pride in using only the purest milk from the finest cows to manufacture its line. This precise and quality guaranteed method of doing things has been the company's long-term key to success. The CEO of the company, Melvin Meyers, serves to exemplify the goals of his company. He strives to promote good health, longevity, and success through testaments to his product. Melvin wants other adults to experience the results that he has, and needs a way to attract this adult market to a classic milk product. Since the milk that MMMM puts on shelves is far from ordinary, why shouldn't the outside of the bottle reflect the quality of the product?
The first aspect of the design that I considered was the shape and quality of the bottle. It took some time to determine what type of bottle would be ideal for a more sophisticated market. This is precisely why I chose to use a wine bottle. This represents the"Vintage" part of my brand name. Since wine is usually a vintage, I used the style of packaging to determine the name of the product. It is important that the two aspects go together, so the consumer can associate the brand name with the packaging. The Bottle also reminded me of the the classic glass milk bottle that a milk man would leave. I thought this would appeal to the consumer because it represents something classic. The glass bottle is great for storage and does not take up much room in a refrigerator. Another important aspect of the bottle was that it is able to be sealed. This is very important, in keeping the product fresh and free of any impurity.
To accompany the first part of the brand name (Vintage), I chose the word "Squeeze". This reminded me of "freshly squeezed" orange juice, or lemonade. This points out the fresh quality of the milk. The "Squeeze" can also be thought of in a more literal sense. Think about where the milk comes from on the cow, and the process used to get the milk. Especially in the past, when life was more simple, manual labor was used to milk cows. The process of squeezing the utters to attain the milk from the cow was used. I wanted the Title to represent a simpler time, describe the sophistication and experience that the consumer has, all while pointing to the quality of the product in a humorous matter that only adults would appreciate. This is also where the slogan "... It's utterly delightful" comes in to play. It uses the anatomy of a cow to play on words and also state the origin of the milk. This tells the consumer what will happen when they drink this milk; they will be delighted and happy to be healthy.
The label features a sepia and dark tan color scheme to accompany the vintage theme and appeal to a more sophisticated target market. It also features a photograph of a man milking a cow in different sizes for aesthetic appeal, and so that the consumer can associate an organic process with the product. I used something similar to vintage, 1970s style writing to bring the consumer back to their childhood years. It was important to pick a font with some "flare" and that was fairly easy to read. The goal was to make a simple and attractive label that would highlight the product it encases. The beauty of the milk will be enhanced by the simplicity of the packaging.
On the lid to the bottle, I included a logo to support my product. Similar to a vintage date on a wine bottle cork, I wanted to place the product logo in a place where it could be seen by anyone that opens it. It includes a V and an S, to use the initials of the brand name, Vintage Squeeze. The letters are connected to each other and have ovals in the background, just like the label wrapped around the bottle.
The Vintage Squeeze brand speaks to the target market in a variety of ways, it utilizes simplicity, sophistication, humor, and class in order to appeal to the consumer. The outside of the bottle is successful in describing the quality of product inside.
Vintage Squeeze... It's utterly delightful!
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